How to attract candidates by your job description?

When you’re looking through resumes, are you attracted to the normal ones that don’t say much? Probably not. Then why would a right candidate attract by a general job description?

What are the mistakes?

  • Specify the requirements and circumstances: Is it an office position? Will the employee be required to work off-site? If you give job seekers doubt regarding the responsibilities of the position, they will simply proceed to the next advertisement.
  • Scanlation: When people are looking through ads, they often don’t have time to read entire descriptions. They are just scanning. Write your ads in the scannable text.
  • Not expressed properly: Everyone wants to work for special brands. Job ads that don’t express a vibrant office culture generally won’t attract the stars you’re seeking.


Aspects to include:-

  1. Corporate culture:
    Job seekers are interested in more than money; they want to work in the best surroundings. It’s important to convey the company’s vibe through the job description.
  2. Hopes and aspirations:
  • Your job description should clearly communicate.
  • Think of five essential duties for the particular position and highlight them in the ad.
  • The description has to be scannable, so the expectations portion is a great place to be brief and use bullet points.
  1. Well defined job title:
    An awesome company description. In a few lines, candidates should get a feel for the company and the people it employs.
    An attractive job description should include all the right components, but should never be full of superfluous statements. Make it relevant and straight to the point so you don’t waste your time, or theirs.